Why Your Business Needs An Online Presence! Work With A Ventura County Native!

Chances are, you have a business in Ventura county that you care for and have built it through endless years of work and dedication. You love your business and will do anything to sustain it. However; are you really doing all you can for your business? Do you have an online presence? Most likely you have a website, but is your website a reflection of what your business represents? Is it just a hanging fruit on the tree that nobody wants to pick? Let me throw a curve ball here. Your website is a heaven to the eyes and draws it lots of traffic. Sounds good doesn't it? The truth is, how much of those visitors are actually converting to potential buyers, client's and future prospects? My guess would be, not to many.

Your Website Is Good! But It Can Be Better!

Everything can be improved little by little. Your business is in Ventura county looks good to the eye, pleases the customers and makes them smile. Best part of all, we can improve the happiness and invoke some emotion. The team at SEO Distortion has helped client's improve conversion rates and improve many businesses in Ventura county with their website layout. It is critical to optimizing your website for not only the human eye and user friendliness, but also to search engines as well.

How Can SEO Distortion Improve Your Online Presence

SEO Distortion has a team that produces results and is current with the latest trends and techniques. Whether that be a good solid marketing plan covering Pay-Per-Click marketing, content marketing & general brand awareness, you can be confident that your online presence is in good hands. Why wait? Establish your online presence in Ventura County now with the marketing company that cares!

Why Use The Romanian Deadlift In Your Workout Routine?

The Romanian deadlift is another variation regarding the conventional deadlift due to the mechanics and also the way it targets a specific area regarding the body. The Romanian deadlift mainly focuses on working the hamstrings, glutes most of the way down to the calf muscles. In essence, this exercise is absolutely perfect for packing strength and building up your posterior chain like a grizzly bear. This exercise however is by far the absolute most underrated and most tough to really execute from the account of this hips play a major role. Some people have hip mobility problems whether that be from having a pelvic tilt or having weak hip muscles in general, it is an essential point that is neglected in this exercise.

Making Use Of The Romanian Deadlift Effectively

romanian deadlift

Ideally, you can use the Romanian deadlift in almost any routine involving back or lower back work much just like the conventional deadlift. With the Romanian deadlift really should not be a hassle to include in ones routine, but more so that the fact of performing the Romanian deadlift with on-point form. Unlike the conventional deadlift where your knees are throughout the bar and remains close to your shins. The Romanian deadlift differs slightly in the starting position. Mainly it involves the knees behind the bar with your back completely flat sort of making a 90 degree angle using the floor when lowering the extra weight. The execution regarding the movement involves lifting the extra weight from the ground, but unlike the conventional deadlift, the Romanian deadlift involves the bar not touching the ground when lowering it to your floor. A great way to get a visual is think of bending at the knees like a hinge. By doing this, you are going to allow yourself to maintain an appartment back and keep more of the stress from the hamstring muscles rather than placing it all in the lower back. Most people are not able to really recruit the hamstring muscles in the account of the hips tilting forward or not maintaining an appartment back. Normally most people tend to help make the Romanian deadlift into the stiff-legged deadlift which is another variation of the conventional deadlift. Same idea like the Romanian deadlift with all the difference of this execution. Stiff-legged deadlift requires the legs to stay rigid and straight although the Romanian deadlift has a tendency to have a slight bend in the knees.

What Training Routine Can I Utilize The Romanian Deadlift?

Well many make use of the Romanian deadlift in a leg workout, you could add it to almost any routine. Typically lots of trainers pair it up with hamstring day as this movement is definitely the greatest exercise for building up strong hamstring muscles. Hamstrings tend to be a weak point in plenty of people which is why you hear of several injuries involving the hamstrings as these are typically such a weak link. If this feels like you, incorporating the Romanian deadlift with hamstring curls, lying leg curls

My Training Routine Consisting For The Romanian Deadlift

Let me reveal a barbell complex utilizing the Romanian deadlift. It is a routine that I have been using mostly into the mornings since it is type of like a cardio routine. It will tax you more about endurance rather than strength. Try this 3 times a week for some effective conditioning benefits! Perform 6 reps of every exercise with no break in between. Once you complete the cycle, rest 90 seconds, then complete 5 reps of every with no break. Once again, complete the cycle, rest 90 seconds, then complete 4 reps. Repeat this cycle utilizing the necessary breaks along with doing 1 less rep per cycle. So that the next cycle is going to be 3 reps, then 2 reps then 1 rep. All performed with 90 second breaks after each cycle.


Romanian Deadlift

Bentover Row

Power Clean

Front Squat

Push Press

Back Squat

Good Morning

Learn more about the romanian deadlift here: http://deadliftworkouts.com/romaniandeadlift/

My eBay Account Was Suspended!!

So here is the thing, my eBay account got freakin suspended for reasons I have no clue about. I am not sure if I was breaching policies or it is because of my user ID being bland and not zesty enough for the reps working at eBay. Whatever the case is, my 2 week old eBay account was suspended and purged like a innocent bystander on the street.

What strikes me as odd is the fact that eBay didn't not really specify as to why my ebay account got suspended in the first place. They just typically send you a canned email with as much vague information then you could possibly knock your head against. My one beef with it is that, it is to general and to canny. At least send me a personal email stating as to why you suspended my eBay account rather than contemplate the reasons that provoked it.

Getting To The Bottom Of My Suspended eBay Account!

Did I cry? Did I get Mad? Frustrated? Maybe a little!, but I called one of the moronic eBay reps to find out what exactly the reason. Lo and behold, they themselves could not tell

me why I was suspended or as to what egged suspended my ebay account to begin with. How are they considered to be customer service reps when they can't even give me a reason as to why they suspended my ebay account. At least give me something other than "I don't know sir" how about "we suspended you because your user ID sucks." At least then I could sleep at night knowing that the cause fro my suspended eBay account was because of my lack of creativity in choosing a user ID.

So What Now After A Suspended eBay Account Tragedy?

All I will say and make a toast to this is, eBay blows more than a Craftsman leaf blower. The bottom line is this, if your income relies heavily on selling on eBay & using Paypal (don't even get me started), then please having multiple accounts on the side or at least prepared for the reasons that are beyond my wildest dreams can ever compare. One small or even no action taken by you can cause your eBay account to become suspended out of the blue. You probably have better chances of at least selling an item with the help of back-up accounts.

Based on what I gathered after using eBay for almost a year is that anything goes with those people. One day your good, next day your cooked like bacon. This is like the Vietnam war only worse as your taking shots from every angle. The take home message here folks is, research, create accounts, list on all of them & stick it to eBay & Paypal!

Virtual Bank Account And What It Really Is

What Is A Virtual Bank Account?

Plain and simple! It is virtual and it is also a bank account! Too simple? Let's go further into detail. The idea of a virtual bank account is that it can be obtained online through many banks that do not offer in branch applications or simply do not have branches in certain areas or local areas near you. Take one such example by the name of www.virtualbank.com. A bit self-evident but you get the picture. This bank has no branches and operates only online. This is not to say they can have branched locations but their main presence exists online. Good for some, bad for others. I say bad because I cannot use an ATM specifically to withdraw funds without be charged a fee. Good in the way that anyone can apply and I don't need to go to a local branch to open an account. Many banks have online applications,  but some do require you to be present at the bank.

Why Can A Virtual Bank Account Be Useful?

If you are like me and do a lot of selling online, having a good bank account and opening up new ones is a quick and easy process. No more walking into a branch and waiting an hour to open up a simple account to which it takes less than 20 minutes to open one online. The good part I also like is that I have a variety to choose from! Capital one, Bank of America, Chase, etc... Another reason virtual bank accounts can be useful is the online banking which makes it easy to track and monitor your transactions!

Another View On The Virtual Bank Account

For some of you who have bad credit or having more inquiries than what is consider necessary on your reports or even if you are resident outside the USA, virtual bank accounts can become very useful. As I mentioned before, if you do any sort of selling online such as eBay or Amazon, virtual bank accounts become a necessity when being used for verification. When you are unable to get a bank account of your own, then another option would be to buy virtual bank accounts from people. Yes, they do offer them. Are they safe? Well that is up to you to decide. These banks that are being sold are really just meant for verification and not intended to make withdraws or transfer money to. That is also not to say that sellers will allow that, but many do not offer that feature. The only way I would find these useful and necessary is when you absolutely cannot get a bank account or you simply do not want to open more bank accounts then what is necessary. 

When To Buy A Virtual Bank Account?

Whenever you feel you need it, but like we mentioned above. Buying a virtual bank account is only a must if you are paranoid or cannot get a bank account for the life of you because of bad credit history or some sort of debt recollection. In any case, buying one from trusted sources who offer them is your best bet. The only places we know to buy virtual bank accounts that have a outstanding reputation would be from Auction Essistance & sellers off the Aspkin Forums. Based off witnesses and some friends of ours, they both have good intentions and will not scam you like many other sellers seem to do these days.

Other than that, my recommendation would be to find out what works for you and make sure that you buy from or what bank you decide to open is the right choice for you and also best suits your needs. I can't tell you how many times I went with a bank that had horrible customer service and ridiculous fees.


 Deadlift Exercise And What It Really Is!

Why Is The Deadlift Exercise Really That Important?

Must you ask? The deadlift based of many counts and witnesses, the deadlift is simply a brute force of an exercise that will build strength like an arctic mammoth! If you are serious about harnessing more strength and power as well as taking your physique goals to uncharted territory, then the deadlift is a must. Don't take it from me, take it from the strongest bodybuilder in the world, Johnny Jackson. " I developed so much thickness in my back, legs, and even my chest and shoulders through deadlifting." It's a total-body exercise. "I think it's the single best move for building size, and it can't be duplicated by other exercises," he continues. "Many trainers tend to overlook the deadliftbecause it's a difficult exercise in terms of both technique and effort, but it's the toughest test of strength you can do--a real strain that challenges your willpower as you try to keep correct form."

If that doesn't convince you, what will? The deadlift exercise is not for wimps and is not for the faint at heart. Search Youtube for deadlift faints and you will see what I mean. Many people have suffered concussions, vomited & of course fainted at the mere force the deadlift requires when execute from beginning to end. If you are a wimp or cannot amount to anything, then get out of here. We don't want you here, save the space for the serious trainers and go do some machine curls.

When To Use The Deadlift Exercise?

The deadlift exercise is by far the most versatile exercise one can simply do. It's hard, it's demanding and it hits all muscle groups like nobody's business! Getting a quick 10 minute workout with this son of a biscuit can make you as solid as a Arizona boulder. It's is just that good! Supplement with creatine and your as hard as a rusty nail in the middle of June (not sure what that means either, but it sounds plausible). Whatever routine or workout you decide to embark on, the deadlift will mostly likely fit anywhere you put it. For example, doing legs? Deadlift works! How about back? You betcha! Deadlift exercise fits nicely in a good shoulder and core workout as well. There have been numerous studies showing the deadlift exercise to build more strength then doing ab workout or doing some foreign bosu ball, core, stability, surface, whatever you call it movement. That's right! It works the core more than those bosu ball movements those personal trainers typically recommend you. Suck on that trainers!

Can This Deadlift Exercise Harm Me Or Ruin My Back?
If I said yes, most of you would end up leaving. So I am going to say this...yes it does. This is just to simply weed out the boys from the men or you gals from the women. I am not going to say no, deadlifts do not ruin your lower back because it is simply untrue. That is like saying eating deep friend butter won't clog your arteries. I am sure it would but it tastes so darn good! Everything must be taken with a common sense approach. The deadlift exercise is not a toy and not intended to be performed like an idiot on Christmas morning. Researching and learning the movement will be the best preventative medicine to keeping your lower back healthy and vital. You don't want to be the only 20 year old who through out his back while the 70 year old man is doing back flips and laughing hysterically at you because he can. You don't want that, you want to be doing cartwheels and somersaults like an Olympic gymnastic. Use common sense, learn the basics & practice. Nothing comes that easy to everyone unless of course you are a virtuoso which is more rare than spotting big foot in your local park.

How Often Do I Perform This Blessed Deadlift Exercise?

Simple! As many times as your heart can keep up! The deadlift exercise whether done with higher reps or lower reps, it will tax your body. I can bet my life savings ($53.33 to be exact) that your body will give out after 2 consecutive days of performing some straight deadlifting with a mixture of high reps, low reps, drop sets, pyramids, forced reps, resistance band reps, chain reps and any other reps I did not mention. Try doing that while sipping a protein shake after and not having it come up! My point exactly! Deadlifts at best can be formed 1-2 times or maybe even more! Who knows! Some people recover faster and others are sore for weeks on end. If your an amoeba and you can recover faster than Lance Armstrong can ride a bike, 2-3 times should suffice. For all you newbies, .05 is good. You don't want to explode like the incredible Hulk.

How shall I close this? With a prayer? Some words of wisdom? I will end here by saying, the deadlift exercise is not to be taken lightly. You are responsible for what you do in the gym and I am not held liable for your actions or mistakes. I am not a licensed practitioner nor do I intend to become one. This is my personal opinion of the deadlift exercise and how it can serve its purpose in certain people's routine. However, if you would like to know more about this wonderful deadlift exercise, check out more here!

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